Another Review from the Sofa of AJ
It was approximately in 2nd grade when I took an interest in reading Molly Moon. I had finished my home-work and did whatever small chores I was assigned on time that day, and was allowed to go to the local bookstore and pick up a book. While looking for one good book that a youngster like me would enjoy, I saw a glistening silver book with numerous spirals on it, making me dizzy. I laughed, and even though I noticed the great thickness of the book, I decided to accept the challenge. The book had the colorful words inscribed on it, 'Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism'. After about a month (which at that age was fast for a book that long), I pleaded for the next in the series, 'Molly Moon Stops the World', only to hear my parent's confession that it was already bought and in the hands of my elder sibling. Although shocked by the secrecy, I happily collected the book and went on to read the next 2 books in the series. A few weeks ago, a package arrived in which under the brown paper was the green covered 'Molly Moon and the Morphing Mystery', which I am currently reading with zeal.

Again, my usual ending: hopefully my merge of a summary and review, which I have decided to call an AJ sumview (or revmmary), has stimulated that tiny part of a book-lover that is present inside every one of us, even if you don't know it. So read the book! It really is amazing! Fine, if you decide to ignore this, and won't read the book, I'm warning you... Slender will come after you! Now it's the time to allot awesomeness- if you've played the game, you are AWESOME. So be it.