Sunday 27 January 2013

My First Blog!

Okay, so today is the day I'm starting my first blog. 

Unlike a smart person, who would start it right after New Year as their resolution, I've started now, when February is already approaching. But I've got to say, 2013 is going better than I planned. After the fear that the "Mayan End of Days" would come out to be true passed, I realized a few things. First of all, I was being a moron to believe that the world could end because of prediction by some ancient civilization, which wasn't even a proper prediction. (Because if the Mayans were so good at predicting, they'd still be around!) And second of all, the fact that we could have actually just KICKED THE BUCKET like that made me realize that we all need to relax and enjoy our lives a bit more. 

Speaking of enjoying, my class went for a little excursion recently in which we went trekking up a tall mountain full of dirt and plants and got to enjoy a simply heart-stirring view. Puffs of mist hanging over a glistening, crystal clear lake, splashing in icy cold waterfalls, a blazing fire to stop the chills, the friendliest German Shepherd in the world and his buddy, the trip was just magnificent.

So that's it for my first blog. On AJ Bloggin, I'll be discussing books and movies that I get to experience, make reviews (what I'm best at) and talk about the boons and banes of the latest craze. For example, social networking. It is one thing that hasn't even slightly decreased in the new year. Everybody is either on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+! But 2012 has had many cases in which social networking has taken LIVES, cyber-bullying can end up that bad. So what do you think? Safety or connecting with friends? Should we have social networking in as much of an extent as we have it today? 

But seriously, my 'critic-like' comments are to die for (or die laughing at).

So a happy 2013 to you all! Pretty late to say so, but it won't harm me if I do, right? So there.  


  1. Great job AJ. You're doin good. And btw, I think social networking is a very useful tool, for example the Arabian uprisings were all thanks to Facebook but like any good tool, when abused, it will work against you.

  2. Ohmygosh!! Amazing for your first time :) really good blog, one I would look forward to reading.

  3. Nice blog! We all thought it would end so you're not too big an idiot. The trip was amazing and you're good at describing stuff. also, social networking is good. Yes, there can be cases with terrible endings but they're rare.Anyway, AWESOME!!!

  4. nice! You are very descriptive! This is amazing for your first blog.. The trip was amazing and we had a whole lot of fun. Social networking is not as bad as you think it is sometimes it can cause problems and sometimes it helps!

  5. This blog is amazing. Are you sure this the first time you are writing a blog ?

  6. This blog is life changing. I am now a changed person for the better. I no longer put pineapple on my pizza.
